
Showing posts from May, 2010

Bangle Wali Masjid

Following the fundamentals of Sunni Islam, TJ claims no beliefs exclusive to them. Although, TJ itself is deeply imbued in ethos that permeate the Deobandi sub-school of the Hanafi Islam, the scope of their activities is not limited to the Deobandi community. Every member is allowed to follow his own fiqh as long as it does not deviate from Sunni Islam. Tablighi Jamaat defines its objective with reference to the concept of Da'wa which literally means 'to call' connotes to an invitation to act. In religious context, it implies to a call towards prayer which may also refer to a 'mission' if used in reference with religious prophets and other people who were assigned such mission. TJ interprets Da'wa as ' enjoining good and forbiddin evil ' and defines its objective within the framework of two particular Quranic verses which refer to this mission. Those two verses are: "And who speaks better than he who calls to Allah while he him...